

Baby Cacti in the Wild West

Sorry for the absence! I was trying to mentally psych myself up to film a video, but I seriously can't do it! I'm way too shy! I honestly have no idea how people can so confidently vlog themselves. I just freeze! I thought of maybe filming myself doing random stuff and talking, but not post them or anything. Just to get used to talking to a camera. Baby steps, I guess.                       
I don't have an outfit post today, but I do have some photos of where my dad is building our new house!
Cow tunnel

I seriously have no idea how my dad can figure out how to build a house!

It was kinda cloudy today, which resulted in dismal pictures.
I will probably do an outfit post tomorrow, as I just got a pair of new shoes, and am very excited to show them!
Once again, I'm sorry about the absence/broken video promise. I really do want to film videos, but I'm having a hard time. :( I will keep trying!
Thanks for reading!


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